In his first of the two election speeches on the eve of the November 3 elections, Biden asserted that he has a plan to successfully fight against COVD-19 if voted to power.
The ballots cast in the early election process are being mailed back to Texas as the president is planning to spend election night at the White House, an official said.
Opportunities will also stem from the clear support for generics.
Seniors dread this time of year, when they run out of Medicare drug coverage and have to pay out of pocket. Some just stop taking their drugs.
Employers have begun to ramp up efforts to change employees' lifestyles, from smoking to obesity, with incentives including lower health insurance payments for health changes.
Read the full transcript of President Obama's State of the Union address on Wednesday at the US Capitol in Washington.
United States President Barack Obama on Wednesday delivered his State of the Union address in which he spelt out the agenda for the second term of his Presidency
US President Barack Obama on Tuesday delivered his State of the Union speech in the US Congress. Here's the transcript: